COSI118 Class Work

Assignment Names Contents Dates
HW1: Folders Create folders at Document Folder 8/21
HW2: Word Module 1 Word Module 1 - Reproduce a Document 8/23
HW3: Bullets & Numbering Word Module 1 - Bullets & Numbering 8/26
Quiz 1
(contents be learned on 8/28)
Hardware - Computer Concepts I test day:
HW4: Footnotes and Endnotes Word Module 2 - Footnotes 8/30
HW5: Citations Word Module 2 - Citations 9/6
HW6: Bibliography Word Module 2 - Bibliography 9/9
HW7: Research Paper Research Paper 9/13
HW8: Tabs & Borders Word Module 3 - Tab Markers 9/16
HW9: Tables & Table Styles Word Module 3 - Tables
HW10: Graphics Word Module 3 - Insert Online Pictures
HW11: Shapes Word Module 3 - Draw Shapes
HW12: Three-Star-Objects Word Module 3 - 3 Star Objects
HW13: Smart-Art Word Module 3 - Smart-Art
Quiz 2
(contents be learned on )
Storage - Computer Concepts II
Hands-On Word Test
Review and catch up on
Header, Title, Tabs, Footnotes, Citations
HW14: Excel 0 -  Sequence (video) Sequences & Calculations
HW15: Excel 1A Excel Module 1A - Edit Excel Files
HW16: Excel 1B Excel Module 1B - Do Calculations
HW18: Excel - Gas Station Excel 2A - Gas Station:
Absolute Address and Conditional Formatting
HW17: Excel 2 Excel Module 2
HW19: Excel - if & what-if Excel 2C - if & what-if
HW20: Excel - Sales (video) Excel 2D - Sales
HW21: Excel 3 Excel Module 3
HW22: Excel 4 Excel Module 4
Quiz 3
(contents be learned 3/18)
Computer Software - Computer Concepts III Quiz on
HW23: Excel Practice  ( video) Excel Practice
Hands-On Excel Test Data, Calculation, what-if, charts
Quiz 4 Networks and Internet, Security  
HW24: PowerPoint 1 PowerPoint Module 1  
HW25: PowerPoint 2 PowerPoint Module 2  
HW26: PowerPoint 3  videos: part1part2 PowerPoint Module 3  
Hands-On PowerPoint Test Design Template, WordArt, Smart-Art, Shapes, Chart, Footer, Transition  
Bonus Project: 10 points on semester average
Numbers User Guide for Mac
iCloud & Software
Numbers in iPad Once you complete it, call me over the Teams and demonstrate your project virtually to get bonus points.
Final Comprehensive Test Review Package