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C++ Programs:

# include <iostream.h>
int sub(int);       //Function prototype

  int function_value;
  int x = 99;
  cout << "x before call: "<< x << endl;
  function_value = sub(x);     //Call function
  cout << "x after call: "<< x << endl;
  cout << "The value returned from function is "
       << function_value <<endl;

// Definition of Function
int sub(int a)
   a = a * 10;
   return a;

The output will be
x before call: 99
x after call: 99
The value returned from function is 990
# include <iostream.h>
int sub(int &);       //Function prototype

  int function_value;
  int x = 99;
  cout << "x before call: "<< x << endl;
  function_value = sub(x);     //Call function
  cout << "x after call: "<< x << endl;
  cout << "The value returned from function is "
       << function_value <<endl;

// Definition of Function
int sub(int &a)
   a = a * 10;
   return a;

The output will be
x before call: 99
x after call: 990
The value returned from function is 990
# include <iostream.h>
int sub(int *);       //Function prototype

  int function_value;
  int x = 99;
  cout << "x before call: "<< x << endl;
  function_value = sub(&x);     //Call function
  cout << "x after call: "<< x << endl;
  cout << "The value returned from function is "
       << function_value <<endl;

// Definition of Function
int sub(int * a)
   *a = *a * 10;
   return *a;

The output will be
x before call: 99
x after call: 990
The value returned from function is 990
Note:  Pass-By-Reference and Pass-By-Pointer get the same output.