Display formatted data

The first argument - a format string that describes the output format.  Conversion characters are followed.

Insert an integer representing the field width between the % and the conversion character in the format specifier.
For example, 

public class Tester
	public static void main(String [] args)

Output is   

To use precision, place between the percent sign and the conversion specifier a decimal point
followed by an integer representing the precision.

public class Tester
   public static void main(String [] args)
	int numOfUnits = 13;
	double unitPrice = 1.99;
	double total = unitPrice * numOfUnits;
	System.out.printf("%50s\n", "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890");
	System.out.printf("%20s%15s%15s\n","Number of Units","Unit Price","Total");
	System.out.printf("%20d%15.2f%15.2f\n",numOfUnits, unitPrice, total);
	System.out.printf("The total is %f.\n", total);
	System.out.printf("The total is %.2f.\n", total);
Output is shown below:

Double quote character:
System.out.println("\"Hello World!\"");
display "Hello World!"