
Any computing problem can be solved by executing a series of actions in a specific order.

An algorithm is a procedure for solving a problem in terms of the actions to execute and the order in which these actions execute.

The “rise-and-shine algorithm” followed by one executive for getting out of bed and going to work.

(1) Get out of bed;
(2) take off pajamas;
(3) take a shower;
(4) get dressed;
(5) eat breakfast;
(6) carpool to work.
(1) Get out of bed;
(2) take off pajamas;
(3) get dressed;
(4) take a shower;
(5) eat breakfast;
(6) carpool to work

Which order will be correct?  Does the order make difference?

Specifying the order in which statements (actions) execute in a program is called program control.


Pseudocode is an English-like language that lets you state your solution with more precision than you can in plain English but less precision than is required when using a formal programming language.

Click here to see some examples.

You will emphasize on input, output or calculations.