switch Multiple-Selection Statement

switch multiple-selection statement performs different actions based on the possible values of a constant integral expression of type byte, short, int or char.

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// Fig. 5.9: GradeBook.java
// GradeBook class uses switch statement to count letter grades.
import java.util.Scanner; // program uses class Scanner

public class GradeBook 
   private String courseName; // name of course this GradeBook represents
   // int instance variables are initialized to 0 by default
   private int total; // sum of grades
   private int gradeCounter; // number of grades entered
   private int aCount; // count of A grades
   private int bCount; // count of B grades
   private int cCount; // count of C grades
   private int dCount; // count of D grades
   private int fCount; // count of F grades
   // constructor initializes courseName; 
   public GradeBook( String name )
      courseName = name; // initializes courseName
   } // end constructor

   // method to set the course name
   public void setCourseName( String name )
      courseName = name; // store the course name
   } // end method setCourseName

   // method to retrieve the course name
   public String getCourseName()
      return courseName;
   } // end method getCourseName

   // display a welcome message to the GradeBook user
   public void displayMessage()
      // getCourseName gets the name of the course
      System.out.printf( "Welcome to the grade book for\n%s!\n\n", 
         getCourseName() );
   } // end method displayMessage

   // input arbitrary number of grades from user
   public void inputGrades()
      Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );

      int grade; // grade entered by user

      System.out.printf( "%s\n%s\n   %s\n   %s\n", 
         "Enter the integer grades in the range 0-100.", 
         "Type the end-of-file indicator to terminate input:", 
         "On UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X type <Ctrl> d then press Enter",
         "On Windows type <Ctrl> z then press Enter" );

      // loop until user enters the end-of-file indicator
      while ( input.hasNext() ) 
         grade = input.nextInt(); // read grade
         total += grade; // add grade to total
         ++gradeCounter; // increment number of grades
         // call method to increment appropriate counter
         incrementLetterGradeCounter( grade );
      } // end while 
   } // end method inputGrades

   // add 1 to appropriate counter for specified grade
   private void incrementLetterGradeCounter( int grade )
      // determine which grade was entered
      switch ( grade / 10 )
         case 9:  // grade was between 90
         case 10: // and 100, inclusive 
            ++aCount; // increment aCount
            break; // necessary to exit switch

         case 8: // grade was between 80 and 89
            ++bCount; // increment bCount    
            break; // exit switch

         case 7: // grade was between 70 and 79
            ++cCount; // increment cCount    
            break; // exit switch

         case 6: // grade was between 60 and 69
            ++dCount; // increment dCount    
            break; // exit switch

         default: // grade was less than 60
            ++fCount; // increment fCount    
            break; // optional; will exit switch anyway
      } // end switch
   } // end method incrementLetterGradeCounter

   // display a report based on the grades entered by user 
   public void displayGradeReport()
      System.out.println( "\nGrade Report:" );

      // if user entered at least one grade...
      if ( gradeCounter != 0 ) 
         // calculate average of all grades entered
         double average = (double) total / gradeCounter;  

         // output summary of results
         System.out.printf( "Total of the %d grades entered is %d\n", 
            gradeCounter, total );
         System.out.printf( "Class average is %.2f\n", average );
         System.out.printf( "%s\n%s%d\n%s%d\n%s%d\n%s%d\n%s%d\n", 
            "Number of students who received each grade:", 
            "A: ", aCount,   // display number of A grades
            "B: ", bCount,   // display number of B grades
            "C: ", cCount,   // display number of C grades 
            "D: ", dCount,   // display number of D grades
            "F: ", fCount ); // display number of F grades
      } // end if
      else // no grades were entered, so output appropriate message
         System.out.println( "No grades were entered" );
   } // end method displayGradeReport
} // end class GradeBook

// Fig. 5.10: GradeBookTest.java
// Create GradeBook object, input grades and display grade report.

public class GradeBookTest
   public static void main( String[] args )
      // create GradeBook object myGradeBook and 
      // pass course name to constructor
      GradeBook myGradeBook = new GradeBook( 
         "CS101 Introduction to Java Programming" );

      myGradeBook.displayMessage(); // display welcome message
      myGradeBook.inputGrades(); // read grades from user
      myGradeBook.displayGradeReport(); // display report based on grades
   } // end main
} // end class GradeBookTest

The expression in each case can also be a constant variable—a variable that contains a value which does not change for the entire program. Such a variable is declared with keyword final.