import java.util.ArrayList;

   This program tests the ArrayList class.
public class ArrayListTester
   public static void main(String[] args)
      ArrayList<BankAccount> accounts 
            = new ArrayList<BankAccount>();
      accounts.add(new BankAccount(1001));
      accounts.add(new BankAccount(1015));
      accounts.add(new BankAccount(1729));
      accounts.add(1, new BankAccount(1008));

      System.out.println("Size: " + accounts.size());
      System.out.println("Expected: 3");
      BankAccount first = accounts.get(0);
      System.out.println("First account number: " 
            + first.getAccountNumber());
      System.out.println("Expected: 1008");                  
      BankAccount last = accounts.get(accounts.size() - 1);
      System.out.println("Last account number: " 
            + last.getAccountNumber());
      System.out.println("Expected: 1729");                  

   A bank account has a balance that can be changed by          
   deposits and withdrawals.                                    
public class BankAccount                                        
      Constructs a bank account with a zero balance             
      @param anAccountNumber the account number for this account
   public BankAccount(int anAccountNumber)                      
      accountNumber = anAccountNumber;                          
      balance = 0;                                              
      Constructs a bank account with a given balance            
      @param anAccountNumber the account number for this account
      @param initialBalance the initial balance                 
   public BankAccount(int anAccountNumber, double initialBalance)                                                     
      accountNumber = anAccountNumber;                           
      balance = initialBalance;                                  
      Gets the account number of this bank account.              
      @return the account number                                 
   public int getAccountNumber()                                 
      return accountNumber;                                      
      Deposits money into the bank account.                      
      @param amount the amount to deposit                        
   public void deposit(double amount)                            
      double newBalance = balance + amount;                      
      balance = newBalance;                                      
      Withdraws money from the bank account.       
      @param amount the amount to withdraw         
   public void withdraw(double amount)             
      double newBalance = balance - amount;        
      balance = newBalance;                        
      Gets the current balance of the bank account.
      @return the current balance                  
   public double getBalance()                      
      return balance;                              
   private int accountNumber;                      
   private double balance;                         


Size: 3

Expected: 3

First account number: 1008

Expected: 1008

Last account number: 1729

Expected: 1729