public class Grade
	private int Math;     //instance variable
	private int English;  //instance variable
	private String name;  //instance variable
	public Grade(String aName, int aMath, int aEnglish)
		name = aName;
		Math = aMath;
		English = aEnglish;
	//Constructor overload
	public Grade(String aName)
		name = aName;
		Math = 0;
		English = 0;
	// return the average score of Math and English
	public double getAverage()
		return (Math + English) / 2.0;
	// get bonus score for Math
	public void MathBonus(int M)
		Math += M;
	//get bonus score for English
	public void EnglishBonus(int E)
		English += E;
	//print the information
	public void printData()
		System.out.printf("Name:  %s\n", name);
		System.out.printf("Math:  %d\n", Math);
		System.out.printf("English: %d\n", English);
// How to declare an object.
// How to call a math.
public class Test
   public static void main(String[] args)
	Grade obj1 = new Grade("Jennifer", 75, 88);
	System.out.printf("The average is %.1f\n", obj1.getAverage());
	System.out.printf("The average is %.1f\n", obj1.getAverage());
	Grade obj2 = new Grade("Robert");
	System.out.printf("The average is %.1f\n", obj2.getAverage());


You save both files in a folder.
Under that folder, you compile both file by the statement below:
javac *.java
Then, you run the file having main method as below.
java Test